What Is the Best Age for a Facelift?

Have you ever looked in the mirror and felt like your outward appearance just didn’t align with how vibrant and youthful you felt inside?

Aging can happen slowly, but those little changes can make a big difference in how we look. Luckily, there are lots of ways to rejuvenate your face without sacrificing your natural beauty.

Here at Plastic Surgical Associates, we understand that when you look your best, you feel your best. That’s why we’re excited to share the incredible benefits of facial rejuvenation and discuss the best age for facelift surgery.

But first, let’s start with the basics.

What is a Facelift?

Aging can look different on each person, so each facelift is custom. For some people, a surgery is not necessary to achieve the facial lifting effect. Others, however, may be a prime candidate for this traditional facelift.

Traditional Facelift

The traditional facelift is a procedure that specifically targets the lower half of the face, including your jawline, cheeks, and neck, with the goal of restoring that youthful appearance you’ve been missing. From sagging skin to wrinkles and deep creases, this surgical treatment can naturally enhance your features and make you look years younger.

The Process

If you opt for the traditional facelift, here’s what you can expect.

  • Consultation: Picture it as a heart-to-heart with our skilled plastic surgeon. Together, we’ll discuss your goals and evaluate your facial structure to determine if a facelift is the right choice for you.
  • Anesthesia: Before the procedure commences, we’ll ensure your comfort with the use of local or general anesthesia.
  • Incisions: These carefully placed incisions are hidden along the hairline, extending around your ears, to keep any resulting scars discreet and well-concealed.
  • Reshaping: Our experienced surgeon will reposition the underlying tissues, bid farewell to excess fat and skin, and artfully drape the remaining skin for a natural, radiant result.
  • Incision Closure: Meticulous attention is given to closing the incisions with gentle sutures to minimize scarring and promote a favorable outcome.
  • Recovery: We’ll provide you with post-operative instructions for a smooth and efficient healing process. You may experience some swelling and bruising initially, but they should fade as you unveil your fantastic new look.

RF Lifting Treatment

If you don’t feel like you’re at the best age for a facelift or you simply don’t want to deal with a facial surgery, the RF Lifting Treatment is an amazing alternative. It will produce the best results for someone whose skin needs about 30% shrinking or less.

Here’s how it works: Using the Inmode or J Plasma device, our team can target and lift the skin at smaller access points. The devices are used to generate heat deep under the skin in order to stimulate new collagen and elastin production. As your skin produces more collagen and elastic naturally, you’ll notice your face tightening and firming up.

Laser & Fat Grafting Facelift

If you’re concerned about your skin quality or you’ve noticed that your face has lost volume over the years, this one is for you. No need to worry about the best age for a facelift when lasers and fat grafting are an option, as these produce great results at every age.

Laser Lifting

Laser surfacing uses concentrated light to remove the top layers of the skin and tighten the lower layers, which results in a reduction of wrinkles, blemishes, and scars – in addition to improved texture.

Fat Grafting

Fat grafting often comes in the form of injectables, but our team can also utilize nanofat plus Allofill to help with volume loss in other ways.

If you’re looking for the best results, we’ve seen great success with the laser and fat grafting combination. However, there are a ton of options for facial rejuvenation.

The Best Age for a Facelift: Finding the Right Time

Now, onto the all-important question: when is the best age for a facelift?

Technically, there is not a specific age at which facelifts are most recommended. However, individuals in their 40s are often prime candidates for the traditional facelift. At this age, the skin tends to retain a certain level of elasticity, making the surgical outcome particularly favorable.

However, age shouldn’t limit you. The RF Lifting Treatment, Lasers, and Fat Grafting are great at any time, and most people are still prime candidates for the traditional facelift regardless of age.

Because each person is unique, their treatment will be also. Before any kind of facelift, our team will set up a consultation and make recommendations based on your skin’s current elasticity and your desired outcomes.

Whether you choose a traditional facelift in Fort Collins or explore alternative treatments, it’s never too late to boost your self-confidence and unveil a more refreshed, revitalized you. Get in touch to get started!